
Aquatic Therapy


Dealing with chronic pain? Aquatic therapy may be the answer!

Aquatic therapy is physical therapy in a pool led by a specialized physical therapist. Unlike regular aquatic fitness, aquatic therapy — also known as hydrotherapy or water therapy — is a physical recovery and medicinal treatment that improves injuries and strengthens weakened or damaged muscles. It also differs from your regular swim classes in that a trained, certified therapist or trainer must oversee and conduct the program.

Those committed to swim therapy can experience several positive changes, from increased flexibility to reduced stress and increased muscular strength in the arms, back, and legs. Our innovative care strategies at Water Works Total Rehab will help you find quick relief.

Conditions Aquatic Therapy Can Help

Water therapy is a fantastic program for people of all ages, from adolescents to older adults. The following conditions are just a few examples of situations where hydrotherapy services have proven to be effective.


When a patient enters a pool, the water’s buoyancy supports their body, giving it a break from the pressure of gravity. As a result, the patient can work muscles they use regularly and not-so-regularly. Through the water exercises, these muscles grow. At the same time, joint function improves and inflammation decreases, relieving arthritis pain and improving mood.


When you work out, a lot of different processes occur in the body. One such process in the brain is the release of endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters the brain produces during activities like exercise and eating. Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that invoke pleasure. When you get into the pool water, an even larger flood of endorphins is released. This rush of endorphins battles depression naturally.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the disruption of communication between the spine and brain. This disruption can lead to an array of symptoms, from numbness to blindness and paralysis. For those with MS, aquatic therapy is particularly beneficial when it comes to managing current symptoms and delaying future development. The benefits of swim therapy include strengthening muscles and mind-body connections.


The advantages of therapy in the water

Aquatic therapy has been used for hundreds of years! And it is available at Water Works Total Rehab.

The following are some of the advantages:

  • Increasing flexibility and mobility
  • Assisting with locomotion and gait
  • Increasing muscular strength and endurance
  • Improving the healing process to reduce recovery time
  • Increasing aerobic capacity for better health
  • Improving coordination and balance
  • Reducing stress and promoting relaxation

Depending on your specific requirements, your physical therapist may choose to add water therapy into your treatment plan.

How will I benefit from aquatic therapy?

Aquatic therapy at Water Works Total Rehab can improve your quality of life. Here’s how:

Pain Relief

The most obvious advantage of this treatment technique is that it relieves pain. As a result, it can aid in the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Therefore, arthritis, chronic pain, lower back pain, and injuries can all benefit from this therapy.

Hydrostatic pressure

During therapy, you will be supported by the hydrostatic pressure of the water. As a result, you don’t have to worry about falling while doing exercises.


It provides a relaxing and soothing environment for sore muscles and joints.


Water’s natural resistance is used to speed up the rehabilitation process. It also strengthen muscles.


Floating in water reduces gravity, which relieves aching joints and muscles. As a result, exercising in water causes less pain.

Turbulence/wave propagation

Due to these factors, our physical therapist can gently manipulate your body.

Breathing Improvements

The use of water forces your respiratory muscles to work harder. This enables you to breathe more easily during treatment.

As you can see, there are numerous advantages to using this therapy! In other words, you should anticipate feeling much better after each session with your therapist in Naples, FL!

What to Expect With Water Therapy

Sessions in the water will target both the upper and lower extremities. You will most likely begin with gentle, low-resistance activities. Following this, your therapist will introduce more advanced cardiovascular and core exercises as you progress. Jogging, arm and leg swings, and squatting are a few examples. Following your session, your therapist will demonstrate some relaxation techniques.

For many patients, aquatic therapy is more than just effective. It’s also enjoyable! A session typically lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on your endurance and muscular strength. During the session, make sure to communicate with your instructor. Some exercises may feel effective immediately, while others might feel a bit uncomfortable. Don’t hesitate to speak up to help your instructor know what is working for your body and what is not.

Find an Aquatic Therapy Clinic Near You

If you are ready to live a healthier, more positive life, it might be time to try water physical therapy. From the very first visit and beyond, you can expect high-quality care and expert medical programming that helps you improve your day-to-day life.

Find an aquatic therapy clinic that offers hydrotherapy programs today!

Contact Water Works Total Rehab today!

All aquatic therapy sessions are conducted in a one-on-one setting in carefully regulated waters. Our pools are kept at a warm temperature that is both comfortable and conducive to therapeutic goals such as muscle relaxation, decreased pain, and decreased swelling. Are you wondering if water therapy is a good fit for you? If so, make an appointment to learn more about our Naples, FL physical therapy clinic today.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard And Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Start Your Recovery Today At Water Works Total Rehab: Naples, FL!