Direct Access

Did You Know That You Don’t Need A Doctor’s Referral To See A Physical Therapist?

Imagine waking up with a sore back that worsens throughout the day. When you call your doctor’s office, they inform you that the next available appointment is not for another three days. You’ve got three more days of misery ahead of you. If only there were a way to see someone who could assist you sooner!

Well, you are in luck because there is a solution! Every state has passed legislation that authorizes physical therapists to evaluate and treat patients without a referral from a doctor.

With Direct Access, health care becomes more efficient and effective, allowing you to prioritize your recovery with physical therapy! If you see our physical therapist as soon as possible, you will feel much better!

Direct Access also saves you money and allows you to return to your routine sooner. Direct Access is all about making your own decisions without being bound by rules. It puts you in control of your medical care.

Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of Direct Access, and be sure to contact Crane Physical Therapy in Mansfield, OH if you have any questions or would like to request an appointment to be seen by a physical therapist! We also offer FREE 15-minute consultations if you are unsure our services are the answer for you! To learn more about our FREE consultations, click HERE.

What Are the Benefits of Direct Access?

Direct Access to physical therapy has many benefits. Including but not limited to:

Saves Money

Direct access eliminates the need for a physician visit to obtain a referral. A patient avoids having to pay for a doctor visit and avoids any unnecessary tests and medications that may be ordered prior to determining physical therapy is the right treatment method.

Saves Time

Patients can call Crane Physical Therapy right away to set up an appointment rather than waiting for an appointment with the doctor and then scheduling a physical therapy appointment.

Higher Satisfaction

Patients reported a higher level of satisfaction when they received physical therapy through Direct Access versus a physician referral.

Better Results

Patients receiving physical therapy through direct access versus a referral had significantly better outcomes at discharge.

Insurance And Direct Access

The health insurance industry is constantly changing, but many private health insurance providers are covered under Direct Access. Care is covered by Medicare as long as the physical therapist creates a plan of care for the patient. Keep in mind that the physical therapist must have the plan of care reviewed and signed off by a qualified doctor to begin treatment.

Take The First Step In Your Recovery Today – Schedule With Crane Physical Therapy!

Direct Access is changing access to healthcare. If you or someone you love would like to learn more about Direct Access to physical therapy or how physical therapy can combat chronic pain of any sort, request an appointment with a Crane Physical Therapy therapist or request a FREE 15-minute consultation.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard And Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Start Your Recovery Today At Crane Physical Therapy!