
Physical therapy could cure your foot pain problems!

Foot pain is no joke. If you are dealing with foot pain from an injury or a condition, we understand how difficult it can be to do your everyday tasks! Things that should be quite straightforward, such as walking or standing, might become extremely stressful. Finding foot pain relief doesn’t have to be a neverending journey!

Stop struggling and get the foot pain relief you need! Start the road to recovery right away so you may go wherever you want! Make the first step by contacting us and requesting an appointment Crane Physical Therapy.

Reasons for foot pain

You may be experiencing foot pain for a variety of reasons. An injury to the foot may result in pain that is minor or excruciating. Finding foot pain relief for these conditions doesn’t have to involve pricey surgeries or medications. You can try physical therapy first!

While some foot pain may occur suddenly due to acute injury, it can also develop over time due to a chronic underlying condition.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several common causes of foot pain, including but not limited to the following conditions:


A fracture occurs from excessive force or trauma to the bone, causing it to crack or break entirely. A fracture to the foot or ankle could result in weeks of downtime to ensure proper healing.

Fallen arches

Over pronation or a flattened arch is very common and can lead to abnormal positioning of the foot and leg and cause problems in these areas and the low back. This abnormal foot position can lead to many of the other conditions listed below.

Strains and sprains

Sprains and strains happen often, and oftentimes, they get confused with each other! A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched too far or torn, while a strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is overstretched. Both of these injuries should be checked out by a medical professional to ensure no lasting damage will occur.

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis happens when the connective tissue on the bottom of the feet becomes inflamed. This can occur from aggravated overuse, such as constant standing, improper posture, or footwear that lacks proper arch support.


Overuse of the tendons can lead to tendonitis, which causes them to become inflamed over a lengthy period. Tendinitis can make even simple things difficult, like walking to the end of the driveway to check the mail. This condition can become chronic and brutally painful over time, compounding the problem.


Arthritis is a very common inflammatory condition that affects the joints and causes pain in the foot. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both types of arthritis can greatly impact the foot and ankle joints. Arthritis can also affect anyone at any age.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

This occurs when the tarsal tunnel (the nerve that runs from the ankle to the foot) becomes pinched and painfully inflamed. Symptoms include sharp, shooting pains, feelings of “pins and needles” and burning sensations in the feet.

Fortunately, physical therapy has been shown to help with the rehabilitation of injured feet as well as the relief of acute and chronic pain. Request an appointment today to speak with one of our licensed and qualified Mansfield OH physical therapists about how we can help you!


How can a physical therapist in Mansfield OH help me find relief?

The majority of our treatment plans incorporate specialized hands-on manual therapy techniques, exercises, and stretches to restore joint mobility, improve balance, and strengthen the foot muscles.

We’ll do everything we can to relieve your foot pain and increase your strength and circulation so you can get back to your normal routine.

If you or a loved one are experiencing foot pain, our Mansfield OH physical therapy clinic can help! You can be confident that we will have you back on your feet in no time.

During your initial appointment, our physical therapist will perform a thorough assessment to determine the source of your foot pain and then create a personalized treatment plan for your recovery.

To avoid re-injury or further difficulties in the future, we will re-evaluate your treatment plan over time and may propose lifestyle adjustments or orthotics.

Request an appointment today

You should be able to move freely without discomfort! Crane Physical Therapy will assist you in regaining mobility, comfort, and overall function while also removing painful restrictions.

Allowing foot pain to control your life is not an option you should even be considering. Request an appointment with us today, and we will get you back up and running as soon as possible! Unsure if Physical Therapy is the right treatment for you? Sign-up for a free 15-min consultation with one of our therapists! Learn More HERE.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard And Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Start Your Recovery Today At Crane Physical Therapy!